CWEST, Claremont Wynberg Education for Spirituality and Torah, is our community’s adult education programme. CWEST was founded in 2012 by Rabbi Liebenberg as a vehicle to expose the congregation to some of the world’s finest Torah educators, musicians and inspirational speakers.
The programme has its own budget that is raised entirely from generous donors. CWEST has its own unique branding and, since inception, the programme has benefited from the marketing skills of Liquid Crystal Design & Digital Agency and Creative Director, Joel Merris. There are, on average, 10 CWEST programmes a year. These include Shabbat and festival scholars-in-residence, musical evenings and multi-media presentations.
Rabbi Liebenberg’s weekly YouTube videos on the parsha and festivals also fall under the CWEST banner. CWEST often partners with other communities and organizations, such as The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning, Aish HaTorah and Mizrachi to bring outstanding world-class speakers to Cape Town.
CWEST has hosted a myriad of world-class presenters over the last nine years: Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz, Rabbi Ramon Widmonte, Dean of The Academy, the hilarious Rabbi YY Jacobson, Lori Palatnick and Nili Couzens of JWRP fame, noted authors, Dr Erica Brown and Rabbi Hanoch Teller, globe-trotter Hugh Raichlin, 911-survvior Ari Schonburn, IDF motivational speaker, Rabbi Shalom Hammer, Jewish historians, Rabbis Berel Wein and Ken Spiro, Rabbanit Racheli Fraenkel, mother of one of the three murdered teenagers, Israeli entrepreneur and philanthropist, Sivan Yaari, journalist and biographer, Jonathan Rosenblum, local social-commentator, Howard Feldman, chazzanim Ezra Altschuler, Shmueli Brill and Rabbi Ephraim Levitz and the irrepressible Manchurian, Harry Amdurer.
We look forward to continue to assist you in reaching even higher in your journey towards Torah and spirituality.